Thursday, June 6, 2013

I dunno

"Risks come from not knowing what you're doing" -Warren Buffet. As i sit here with ideas crossing my mind of the perfect topic to blog about i realize that there is no good or bad topic, the excitement stems from the thought of not know. Surprise parties are filled with laughter and fun, random acts of kindness fill your heart with unexpected joy and the nervous fear of being caught are the headlines of the excitement of not knowing.

When you least expect something some times it turns out to be the best, such as a surprise party. The anticipation grows within those who know, as the nervous giggle begin and the thoughts of failure cross over your mind. Not knowing the outcome becomes half the fun. As the time comes near you hope for that surprise reaction, followed by drinks, music and the laughter of someone who had no idea what was about to happen have the best time of there lives.

As you order your iced latte going through the Starbucks drive threw, only to get to the window hearing that the person in front of you has already paid for your drink. Not knowing that that was going to happen, became something that just made your day a little brighter. And now that you are in a good mood, you feel the need to pass on the random act of kindness, so you take it upon yourself to make someones day with out them even knowing.

 Although not knowing can be fun and exciting there can also be another aspect that no one wants to endure. Not knowing if you are going to fail or succeeded. Everyone wants to live there live there life with acceptance, knowing they are accepted by those around them makes life easier to fulfill your passions. By feeling accepted by loved ones and peers often comes from being successful. The last thing you want to do is fail, not knowing if you are going to fail or not is a stomach turning, heart wrenching thing, that can change your life in an instant.

Through out life the though of not knowing can scare people, when really it can turn out to be some of the most joyful memories and even help you to strive towards kindness, even if there are times when not knowing can turn out to be an unpleasant feeling. Never fear away from not knowing the way something will turn out, because in the end you just might surprise yourself.          

Friday, May 17, 2013

Tayler a.k.a me

Who am i? that's a question i often wonder about myself, although the answer seems simple. I have yet to friend the person i am. Each day is different, the sun shines or the rain pours the seasons change and the world seems to move forward. Although i have been living for 17 years, nine months and 2 days, i have come to the realization that future hold wonderful moments and the passed is full of playful memories, that have all played a part in the shaping the person i have yet to become. Right now i am the type of person who wants more from life than what she gets, i want the world to come to face the facts that its on a down ward spiral that humanity may not be able to pull back out. I have a family who loves me, parents who are my best friends, a brother who i cherish and a life style that has shown me that even though i could stop and adore the life i hold, i could also get out into the world to help others feel the same way i do. I have a dream that everyone can take a step back from the busy society we live in, to embrace there surroundings with a sense of serenity , that cyber bullying will be a thing of the passed and most of all that people will treat one another equal. I have horses, cats, dogs and goats. I drive my own car and live in my parents house. We have a boat, 5th wheel and horse trailer. Even though i surround myself with materialistic things, that doesn't define the person i am, nor who i strive to become. I want to be caring, someone who knows the right things to say in a stressful situations, someone who is there to lend a helping hand. I want to work with special needs children, so i pray for patients and understanding. Even though i don't know that person that i am today, i have a hope for who i will become in the future. I wish the walk in the foot steps of a my mother, my best friend and my inspiration.  

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Invitation to dinner

If i had the opportunity to invite any of the characters from my novel "Nineteen Minutes" by Jodi  Picoult it would be Josie. Josie is a teenager living in Sterling, New Hampshire. Its just her and her mother, her mother Alex is a judge and Josie is a very popular girl as she makes her way through high school. Although she seems to have it all together, i find that she is struggling with the person that she is. She doesn't see herself in the same light as her peers do, even though she has a rockin personality and nice clothes, she cant get passed that fact that she inst truly happy. Which a night with my family would bring out laughter and fun that she hasn't found in herself for a while.

Josie and I are so close in age we would connect on a friendship level and my parents would see her as a friend too. My family and I are very close, my parents are my best friends and we always hang out and talk about our day or share a story or two, not only us as a family but with our friends, my friends get along great with my family and my family gets along great with them, as do i with my parents friends. My dad is the comedian in the family...he could liven up of funeral! And my mom is the most loving lady with a great sense of humor and free spirit. And with a thirteen year old brother who loves running around the house trying to play tricks on you...even when you can totally see it coming!

Josie would like them because they hold a sense of family and fun, we could sit around our propane outdoor fire, have drinks and tell stories for hours. And no matter what you say or what you finally own up too,we wouldn't ever judge, support and guidance is key in my family. With Josie going through high school, feeling unsure about herself on the inside, knowing that there are people who would never judge her over it, would bring her a sense of friendship and for her to know that she can talk to us about anything and no matter what you would have a young boy looking up to you as the greatest person in the room!

My family has crazy and wonderful life style, filled with support and love..and humor and drinks. Josie would fit in and be able love herself from the inside out, with just a simple dinner at my house and a night with the fam jam! ...And my mom is the greatest cook EVER!

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

My wild life

Its always full of life here, the genital morning sun shining through the crisp damp autumn leaves of my favorite giant oak tree. As i walk along the broken mahogany brick path way, i can hear the birds chirping as the polar bears yon and the elephants playfully hose themselves down with water. For a moment everything seems still, quite and non existent. That is until the clock strikes 9'o clock, the time when all the rowdy over joyed people come through the tall golden gates with their constant flashing of cameras and the small pointing fingers followed by an over excited "look!". Its usually only every second day when i get approached in regards to when the animals are going to do tricks, or put on a show. With a blank stare I have to bite my tongue as i explain to her that animals don't act that way in their natural habitat, there fore we don't make them act that way when we bring them here. Unimpressed she gathers her things and storms away from me. I turn and wink at dolly, our bottle nosed dolphin, she reply's with a beautiful flip in the air then back into her baby blue ocean pool. Thankfully the day is almost over, the last lost child is returned to their frantic parents, and the camera flashes become a wave goodbye. As i walk around cleaning up the pieces of garbage left on the ground, the zoo, my home, once again goes back to being peaceful. Before turning out the main lights, i look around in sheer serenity, although in the back of my mind the thought that i was forced to live in this Zoo still lingers. Then my mind takes me back to the brisk fall evening when i was faced with this choice, i closed my eyes and imagined this serene and blissful wildlife park based off the Columbia Pictures film Zookeeper. and the simplicity of the values of life are returned to my heart.

Thursday, February 7, 2013

The power to be invisible

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to go anywhere, see anything, hear anything and do anything with out been seen? If i could acquire any super power it would be the ability to be invisible. Although i wouldn't want to be invisible all of the time, i would want to be able to shift myself from ordinary to invisible when ever i see fit. I think it would be the best super power because you would be able to sneak up on your arch enemy and even battle with him, and he would have no knowledge on what angles you were coming from. Acquiring this super power would come in handy in an every day situation too, if you wanted to get a sneak peek of an up coming test, you could walk into the class, go into the teachers desk, look at the test and get out all with out been seen. If you wanted to get on a flight and didn't want to pay, you could just walk past security guards and not purchase a ticket but be able to get onto your desired flight with out rising any suspicions. You would become a fly on the wall of any conversation, you would become the most incredible stalker known to man and have the ability to control secret documents. Anything you ever wanted to do but were to scared of being caught, would you be able to accomplish because no one would ever see you. That is what makes the power of invisibility the best super power.