Thursday, June 6, 2013

I dunno

"Risks come from not knowing what you're doing" -Warren Buffet. As i sit here with ideas crossing my mind of the perfect topic to blog about i realize that there is no good or bad topic, the excitement stems from the thought of not know. Surprise parties are filled with laughter and fun, random acts of kindness fill your heart with unexpected joy and the nervous fear of being caught are the headlines of the excitement of not knowing.

When you least expect something some times it turns out to be the best, such as a surprise party. The anticipation grows within those who know, as the nervous giggle begin and the thoughts of failure cross over your mind. Not knowing the outcome becomes half the fun. As the time comes near you hope for that surprise reaction, followed by drinks, music and the laughter of someone who had no idea what was about to happen have the best time of there lives.

As you order your iced latte going through the Starbucks drive threw, only to get to the window hearing that the person in front of you has already paid for your drink. Not knowing that that was going to happen, became something that just made your day a little brighter. And now that you are in a good mood, you feel the need to pass on the random act of kindness, so you take it upon yourself to make someones day with out them even knowing.

 Although not knowing can be fun and exciting there can also be another aspect that no one wants to endure. Not knowing if you are going to fail or succeeded. Everyone wants to live there live there life with acceptance, knowing they are accepted by those around them makes life easier to fulfill your passions. By feeling accepted by loved ones and peers often comes from being successful. The last thing you want to do is fail, not knowing if you are going to fail or not is a stomach turning, heart wrenching thing, that can change your life in an instant.

Through out life the though of not knowing can scare people, when really it can turn out to be some of the most joyful memories and even help you to strive towards kindness, even if there are times when not knowing can turn out to be an unpleasant feeling. Never fear away from not knowing the way something will turn out, because in the end you just might surprise yourself.          

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