Tuesday, March 5, 2013

My wild life

Its always full of life here, the genital morning sun shining through the crisp damp autumn leaves of my favorite giant oak tree. As i walk along the broken mahogany brick path way, i can hear the birds chirping as the polar bears yon and the elephants playfully hose themselves down with water. For a moment everything seems still, quite and non existent. That is until the clock strikes 9'o clock, the time when all the rowdy over joyed people come through the tall golden gates with their constant flashing of cameras and the small pointing fingers followed by an over excited "look!". Its usually only every second day when i get approached in regards to when the animals are going to do tricks, or put on a show. With a blank stare I have to bite my tongue as i explain to her that animals don't act that way in their natural habitat, there fore we don't make them act that way when we bring them here. Unimpressed she gathers her things and storms away from me. I turn and wink at dolly, our bottle nosed dolphin, she reply's with a beautiful flip in the air then back into her baby blue ocean pool. Thankfully the day is almost over, the last lost child is returned to their frantic parents, and the camera flashes become a wave goodbye. As i walk around cleaning up the pieces of garbage left on the ground, the zoo, my home, once again goes back to being peaceful. Before turning out the main lights, i look around in sheer serenity, although in the back of my mind the thought that i was forced to live in this Zoo still lingers. Then my mind takes me back to the brisk fall evening when i was faced with this choice, i closed my eyes and imagined this serene and blissful wildlife park based off the Columbia Pictures film Zookeeper. and the simplicity of the values of life are returned to my heart.

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