Thursday, February 7, 2013

The power to be invisible

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to go anywhere, see anything, hear anything and do anything with out been seen? If i could acquire any super power it would be the ability to be invisible. Although i wouldn't want to be invisible all of the time, i would want to be able to shift myself from ordinary to invisible when ever i see fit. I think it would be the best super power because you would be able to sneak up on your arch enemy and even battle with him, and he would have no knowledge on what angles you were coming from. Acquiring this super power would come in handy in an every day situation too, if you wanted to get a sneak peek of an up coming test, you could walk into the class, go into the teachers desk, look at the test and get out all with out been seen. If you wanted to get on a flight and didn't want to pay, you could just walk past security guards and not purchase a ticket but be able to get onto your desired flight with out rising any suspicions. You would become a fly on the wall of any conversation, you would become the most incredible stalker known to man and have the ability to control secret documents. Anything you ever wanted to do but were to scared of being caught, would you be able to accomplish because no one would ever see you. That is what makes the power of invisibility the best super power.

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