Thursday, April 18, 2013

Invitation to dinner

If i had the opportunity to invite any of the characters from my novel "Nineteen Minutes" by Jodi  Picoult it would be Josie. Josie is a teenager living in Sterling, New Hampshire. Its just her and her mother, her mother Alex is a judge and Josie is a very popular girl as she makes her way through high school. Although she seems to have it all together, i find that she is struggling with the person that she is. She doesn't see herself in the same light as her peers do, even though she has a rockin personality and nice clothes, she cant get passed that fact that she inst truly happy. Which a night with my family would bring out laughter and fun that she hasn't found in herself for a while.

Josie and I are so close in age we would connect on a friendship level and my parents would see her as a friend too. My family and I are very close, my parents are my best friends and we always hang out and talk about our day or share a story or two, not only us as a family but with our friends, my friends get along great with my family and my family gets along great with them, as do i with my parents friends. My dad is the comedian in the family...he could liven up of funeral! And my mom is the most loving lady with a great sense of humor and free spirit. And with a thirteen year old brother who loves running around the house trying to play tricks on you...even when you can totally see it coming!

Josie would like them because they hold a sense of family and fun, we could sit around our propane outdoor fire, have drinks and tell stories for hours. And no matter what you say or what you finally own up too,we wouldn't ever judge, support and guidance is key in my family. With Josie going through high school, feeling unsure about herself on the inside, knowing that there are people who would never judge her over it, would bring her a sense of friendship and for her to know that she can talk to us about anything and no matter what you would have a young boy looking up to you as the greatest person in the room!

My family has crazy and wonderful life style, filled with support and love..and humor and drinks. Josie would fit in and be able love herself from the inside out, with just a simple dinner at my house and a night with the fam jam! ...And my mom is the greatest cook EVER!

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