Friday, May 17, 2013

Tayler a.k.a me

Who am i? that's a question i often wonder about myself, although the answer seems simple. I have yet to friend the person i am. Each day is different, the sun shines or the rain pours the seasons change and the world seems to move forward. Although i have been living for 17 years, nine months and 2 days, i have come to the realization that future hold wonderful moments and the passed is full of playful memories, that have all played a part in the shaping the person i have yet to become. Right now i am the type of person who wants more from life than what she gets, i want the world to come to face the facts that its on a down ward spiral that humanity may not be able to pull back out. I have a family who loves me, parents who are my best friends, a brother who i cherish and a life style that has shown me that even though i could stop and adore the life i hold, i could also get out into the world to help others feel the same way i do. I have a dream that everyone can take a step back from the busy society we live in, to embrace there surroundings with a sense of serenity , that cyber bullying will be a thing of the passed and most of all that people will treat one another equal. I have horses, cats, dogs and goats. I drive my own car and live in my parents house. We have a boat, 5th wheel and horse trailer. Even though i surround myself with materialistic things, that doesn't define the person i am, nor who i strive to become. I want to be caring, someone who knows the right things to say in a stressful situations, someone who is there to lend a helping hand. I want to work with special needs children, so i pray for patients and understanding. Even though i don't know that person that i am today, i have a hope for who i will become in the future. I wish the walk in the foot steps of a my mother, my best friend and my inspiration.